Lower San Pedro Collaborative
CCA is a founding organization of the Lower San Pedro Collaborative, a group formed to work cooperatively on conservation planning at a watershed scale. It is an outgrowth of the Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative, which was established in response to the Obama administration requirement that landscape scale planning be done before further refuges or other federal conservation designations be made. The Lower San Pedro Collaborative has been meeting since August, 2017, and so far has attracted more than 20 participants from federal and state agencies, county governments, businesses with mitigation properties, NGO’s, and two academic units from the University of Arizona.
For more information on this important initiative, visit the collaborative website.
The video below was put together by the Lower San Pedro Watershed Alliance and showcases the rich ecology of area.
Introduction | Advocacy | Collaborative Planning | Ecological Monitoring | Meader Endowment | CCA Lands
Header photo: Matt Clark